My father was a hand-holder. He would hold your hand when he was speaking to you, no matter whether you were a family member, friend or someone he just met. It was his way of showing that he was fully listening.
And while he sadly passed away in October 2020 at the age of 98, and we miss him so much, he continues to serve as an inspiration in so many ways. His handholding nature influences my work as a career coach in particular, where I support 20-something young adults (and older!) as they navigate towards meaningful work.
I thrive in the role of accompanist (the figurative hand-holder). My goal is to help you, and all my clients, listen to yourself, so you can make choices based on your strengths and values. I aim to equip you with the tools and mindset to document your reflections, identify your skills and curiosities, and honour your genuine self. I work with you to develop a personal mission statement and explore options that resonate for you. And I am available to support you along the way – as you submit applications, prepare for interviews, go through the ups and downs of the job search and make decisions.
Part of my accompaniment includes “Lattes with Liz”, a free monthly virtual drop-in session on a relevant topic. Email me to find out when the next one is taking place (usually the first Friday of the month at 11:00amET!) and bring along your questions and stories, and invite a friend to join! And please encourage any 20-somethings you know to follow me on Instagram where I post regular career coaching tips.
If you are interested in learning more about my wonderful father, check out this piece about him in the Lives Lived column of the Globe and Mail that I wrote with my sister. Even though he is no longer with us, he continues to accompany us on a daily basis.